hey mama, treat yourself.

YOU deserve nice things too! 

 Check out some Nursling Littles merchandise and pick up a little something extra for yourself or another mama you know.

spread the support, we all deserve it.

mama's milk sticker

Sport this 2 inch round sticker on your pump or anywhere else to be reminded that YOU are the coolest milky mama--give it to a mama friend to let her know how cool you think she is!


mama ornament

This clear acrylic ornament is a great addition to any new mama's tree this year!

*include in notes if black, red, green or white lettering is desired as well as if you'd like it clear or painted white like the one shown here-- +$1.00 for metallic gold or silver lettering; ribbon will also be red or black NOT white 


eatery sticker

Definitely don't need to explain this 2 inch triangle sticker too much...show mama that you know support is needed to always keep the eatery open!


mama postcard

Send this postcard to a mama in need of a kind thought or a reminder that she is killin' it at this mom game.


nursing littles gift cert

Buy a mama you know the gift that keeps on giving!  Gift certs are offered in various denominations or can be used to pay for specific classes or services!  Makes a great stocking stuffer or to include in a baby shower gift basket! Please e-mail nursinglittles@gmail.com to inquire and purchase!

$10 minimum

Click the button below to place your shop order. 

*All items ship free*

Please include correct amount, which item you are purchasing/any customizations if it applies and your mailing address in the notes section.  Select PERSONAL when making your purchase.  

Thank you for supporting this small business mama!